My photo
I am friendly, easy to get along with..., tough, daring, pioneering, enthusiastic, adventurous, humorous, energetic and passionate, good communicator, kind, action-oriented, independent, honest, straightforward, focused on the present and freedom-loving.

The greatest gift, in the end was a family and a friend. An ear to lend a hand to hold, And you, my friend - your heart of gold.

1 Corinthians 13:4-6 & 13

Love is patient; love is kind. Love is not jealous, it does not put on airs, it is not snobbish. Love is never rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not prone to anger; neither does it brood over injuries. Love does not rejoice in what is wrong but rejoices with the truth.
There are in the end three things that last: faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these is L O V E!

"What you are is God's gift to you; what you make of your self is your gift to God."

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Spring Flowers and Poems 2007!

Spring Is In The Air

Spring is in the air And you can smell it on the breeze Spring is in the air You can feel it in your bones You cant help feeling happy You cant help feeling lively Spring is in the air You can kiss it everyday Spring is in the air You can love in its' warm embrace So smile while spring is in the air When you dont have a care Because spring is in the air Spring is in the air Lovers come out to play Spring is when love is in the air So give your love a lovely bouquet And sing, spring is in the air Spring is in the air So fall in love in spring When spring is in the air.

Spring without you

You left me that morning fall. The white butterfly was sad. Making the colored flowers fall fast. AS I sat next to your guitar. Till the autumn passed by, Winter came to an end. All the melodies...flow over the spring. Sun glow and rain are on the cloudy sky. Because you left me, the sky starts rain. Watching the spring... missing you. The grass is still green. Having his absence. The Spring is the season of missing love. The spring is for everyone and the sunshine is multi colored. People fall in love with. The spring of the
evening, sending to him the red roses. Happy New Spring..I only know: loving you.

Early in the Spring

Early in the spring Not a leaf has struck the ground The swallow has yet to sing And the plow men are no where to be found Early in the spring The forest stands still And no creature dare come out Before the sun rises o’er the hill Early in the spring The valley holds the morning dew And its serenity may be captured By only a certain few Early in the spring The trees turn, brown to green Many changes occur But few can be seen Early in the spring Or in the latter of fall No matter the change of season The evergreen stands tall.

A love Spring

So Spring warm weather upon with you watchbloom flowers: Tulip, Orchid, Cherry ect..That awake Springtime beautiful blue sky With me, feeling of peace with Spring Pollen of the flowers trees everywhere To let you know the Spring coming Green grass with flowers fill us with joy Outdoor full of activities Spring gently warm our souls To the Spring 's love within you and me forever.

Spring Cleaning
March bustles in on windy feet And sweeps my doorstep and my street. She washes and cleans with pounding rains, Scrubbing the earth of winter stains. She shakes the grime from carpet green Till naught but fresh new blades are seen. Then, house in order, all neat as a pin, She ushers gentle spring time in.

Spring Flowers 2007!

On April 25, 2007 at 6:30 PM I looked at my gardens and was so glad that some of my spring flowers are blooming, I got my camera and took some photos. Someday I would remember that one moment of my life with the spring flowers.

If we had no winter, the spring would not be
so pleasant. If we did not sometimes taste
of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.

March roars in like a lion so fierce,
the wind so cold, it seems to pierce.

The month rolls on and Spring draws near,
and March goes out like a lamb so dear.

Spring is the best.

Spring is everywhere in East and West,
Spring has the smell of a treasure quest,
leaves of Spring in a treasure chest.

And all of the fruits of Spring,
I would really like to taste.

And the best thing about Spring is
that never in Spring is my class test.
Young Laughters, and My Music!

Young laughters, and my music! Aye till now
The voice can reach no blending minors near;
'Tis the bird's trill because the spring is here
And spring means trilling on a blossomy bough;
'Tis the spring joy that has no why or how,
But sees the sun and hopes not nor can fear.
Spring is so sweet and spring seems all the year.
Dear voice, the first-come birds but trill as thou.

Oh music of my heart, be thus for long:
Too soon the spring bird learns the later song;
Too soon a sadder sweetness slays content
Too soon! There comes new light on onward day,
There comes new perfume o'er a rosier way:
Comes not again the young spring joy that went.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Astronauts to open Grand Canyon Attraction Just click the green word Skywalk!

PHOENIX (AP) — Buzz Aldrin, the Apollo 11 astronaut who walked on the moon in 1969, plans to be among the first to stroll above the Grand Canyon in a massive, glass-bottomed observation deck.
The Hualapai Indian Reservation, which owns the so-called Skywalk, paid Aldrin, 77, to join its March 20 opening ceremony, according to a Las Vegas public relations firm working with the tribe. Hualapai Chairman Charlie Vaughn and astronaut John Herrington plan to meet him in the middle of the walkway.
The Skywalk is a massive $30 million, horseshoe-shaped observation deck that will extend 70 feet from the canyon wall. When completed, designers say it will offer bone-chilling views of the canyon floor and the Colorado River 4,000 feet below.
Members of the Hualapai will be the first to cross the Skywalk on March 19. The tribe will charge visitors $25 to walk across the deck starting March 28.
The Hualapai decided to build the Skywalk at the canyon's rim in hopes of luring tourists to the remote region 90 miles west of Grand Canyon National Park. Plagued with double-digit unemployment, the tribe has invested heavily in making their reservation a vacation destination in hopes of drawing some of the 4.1 million tourists who visit the national park each year.
They've billed the Skywalk as a technological marvel and the centerpiece of a new development that includes an Indian "village" and a mock-up of a frontier town.
The deck is supported by steel beams that are anchored 46 feet into the rock on the lip of the canyon. It's designed to withstand canyon winds of 100 mph and should be able to hold a few hundred people without bending.
Architects also installed shock absorbers in the glass floor to keep the observation deck from wobbling up and down as people walk across the surface.

Las Vegas, Nevada - Front Elevation of some Houses - Inspection of Construction Defects Summer 2005!

Alligator Farm in Mississippi - Alabama & Mississippi Interstate Highway!

Gulfport, Mississippi - UMC Church and Some Buildings After Hurricane Katrina!

Biloxi, Mississippi - Hurricane Katrina!