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I am friendly, easy to get along with..., tough, daring, pioneering, enthusiastic, adventurous, humorous, energetic and passionate, good communicator, kind, action-oriented, independent, honest, straightforward, focused on the present and freedom-loving.

The greatest gift, in the end was a family and a friend. An ear to lend a hand to hold, And you, my friend - your heart of gold.

1 Corinthians 13:4-6 & 13

Love is patient; love is kind. Love is not jealous, it does not put on airs, it is not snobbish. Love is never rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not prone to anger; neither does it brood over injuries. Love does not rejoice in what is wrong but rejoices with the truth.
There are in the end three things that last: faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these is L O V E!

"What you are is God's gift to you; what you make of your self is your gift to God."

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Association of the Advancement of Cost Engineering International - Seattle

On April 12, 2007 I attended my first AACEI Seattle monthly meeting featuring a retired King County Judge John P. Ahlers, he talks about the recent construction related cases. Most of the three hours meeting was all about Washington Construction Law- Recent Case Update, No Damages for Delay Written Notice. Before the dinner I was introduced to all the members who attended the meeting, the President was so glad that I was there because he sent me lots of invitations prior to this meeting many times but I did not attended any of was very educational!

On May 10, 2007 I will be attending my second AACEI Seattle monthly meeting, it's all about "How to be a Good Expert Witness" - You receive a call requesting you to testify as an Expert Witness in a highly visible, complex construction claims case. How do you tell your story so it is comprehensive and understandable to the lay persons who will provide the decisions in this case? This is particularly important in an industry where our jargon and work methods can sound like a different language to other people. I would like to know some tools and techniques that I can use if I am ever called, or choose to serve, as an Expert Witness! It went well and the speaker was Michael Schestopol.

On September 14, 2007 The AACE International Seattle held a meeting about "Construction Management in a War Zone"
Think that managing a construction site is difficult? Differing site conditions, union issues, schedule delays, equipment breakdowns, material delivery a little late? Try adding bullets, bombs, unbearable heat, cultural differences and slightly different priorities to the mix. Now managing a construction project gets really challenging. It went well and the speaker was Joel Steveson.

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